
Here's a flyer for KU's latest event on the "global" front: (PDF)

I'm not involved but if you're interested, contact details are available at the very bottom. The seminar's scheduled 14 Jan* and requires preregistration. Not sure if doors are still open but flyer came in late last night, so...

(*Date corrected from 14 Feb to 14 Jan.)

4 件のコメント:

  1. Hi nya_m, I advertised it on our community but it was unfortunately the day of the seminar.
    catch you later.
    Take care,

  2. Thanks JB, as a matter of fact there's been some strange reaction after posting this entry -- something I hadn't quite expected from linking to what had already been made public! Let's hope in the future information for the non-Japanese will be posted where they are more accessible to the target.
    Thanks anyway,

  3. Did they find problematic when they realized I spread the seminar? I believed it was publicly written "International seminar" in english and that it presented non-japanese speakers. For this reason it is natural to believe that this was also dedicated to non-japanese speakers, otherwise would have been written in Japanese: "National seminar". They should be happy and proud to see that scientists around the planet are more and more interested by what they are doing.

    You know, I am passionate since ~ 10 years by what scientists in Kanazawa are producing (you, Anne McDonald, Pr. Nakamura, ...). If I had one wish, would be one day to get a job there to work with you guys. Therefore, I thought would have been nice to present to our community the science that they are doing in Kanazawa.

    By the way, I guess they found unsatisfying when I advertised all the other symposium they recently organized around SEPLS in particular or BCLS in general?
    If this is the case, tell them I am very sorry.

    1. I would have assumed exactly the same and it certainly wasn't your fault at all! For all I understood it was a public event requiring preregistration at an expensive round-table venue complete with interpretation service for Japanese and English speakers. Seeing an English-language flyer on a Japanese-only site didn't quite make sense--aren't flyers supposed to fly?
      Anyway don't worry because whatever reaction there was it wasn't aimed at you.
