
Hi All,

I am Setsuko Nakayama, an ABD in anthropology/area studies stationed as an assisstant professor at Noto Gakusha, Kanazawa University, under the "Noto Satoyama Meister" Training Program. This blog is about my daily encounters and musings as I slowly accommodate myself into life at the tip of Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.


Why am I keeping this blog in English when it's not my mother tongue? Well i said so in my job app so i have to;) While the term Satoyama Satoumi seems to attain international recognition, very little has been written over the topic in languages other than Japanese outside academic, international organizations or civil society movement circles. Those who seek information about Satoyama or Satoumi will invariably run into somewhat romanticized images of Japanese rural life that has been or is about to be lost -- and occasionally, critiques of such representations. Such representations -- and their critiques -- do capture certain aspects of life in rural Japan and their production landscapes; however, they elide for the most part the complex realities of life itself or the larger political, economic situations they are placed in. Moreover, they seldom foreground the creative, innovative endeavors that are currently unfolding on site. 
In hope for a more balanced coverage I am going to add my voice --and later on, my friends'-- on this blog from the Noto Satoyama Satoumi area of Japan.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Setsuko.
    Hope you're going well and that you find time to enjoy outside all the work you have.

    Google just made some change for Blogger. You can now use google+ comment system for your blog. This is very nice as me and Jennifer B Green will be able to spread your blog and our comments more efficiently on google+. Furthermore, other members of the BCLS community in particular and from google+ in general will be able to discover and comment your blog from outside your blog (while keeping and simplifying your moderation privileges). If you are interested, follow the steps here:


    or simply do this:
    1. go on to your blogger page (https://www.blogger.com/home), and see the list of your blogs
    2. click on the "more options" arrow at the right side of your Satoyama_satoUmi blog
    3. click on google+.
    4. tick the box "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" (If you don't have a google+ account to associate your blog, google will ask you to create one before ticking the box I guess).

    Cheers - jb
